Wertorientiertes IT-Kostenmanagement in Banken & Versicherungen

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10 Common Mistakes When Cutting Costs

How can typical mistakes be avoided and concrete savings achieved?

Successfully cutting costs proves to be a great challenge for many companies.

In particular when it comes to personnel and/or when there is no immediate crisis mandating drastic measures. This is why we often come across cost-cutting projects that have failed or have quietly disappeared. Not only does this mean a lot of effort for small results, but these projects often leave behind frustrated and disillusioned teams.

There is no secret formula for successfully implementing cost reductions., wie Kostensenkungen erfolgreich durchgeführt werden, gibt es nicht.

Based on our decades of experience in the planning, implementation and evaluation of cost-cutting projects, however, we have identified ten typical mistakes that make successful implementation difficult or even counteract it.

Studying these mistakes can help to recognize obstacles at an early stage, tackle the inevitable difficulties in cost reduction projects more strategically and resolve them successfully.

In der Diskussionsunterlage werden grundsätzliche Lösungsansätze und aktuelle good-practice-Beispiele aus unseren Projekten vorgestellt.

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